MAN Group
21 Jan 2019

The Manufacturer: Does UK manufacturing want another referendum?

Another referendum, a new deal negotiated with the EU, another attempt at getting the rejected Brexit deal passed through parliament or a no deal? The Manufacturer asked British manufacturers what they want to happen and MAN Group members Richard Bunce, Managing Director of Mec Com and Tony Hague, CEO of PP Control & Automation had their say.

After the historic rejection of Theresa May’s proposed deal and Jeremy Corbyn’s failed call for a vote of no confidence, May has now presented a plan B to MPs.

But what do manufacturers want?

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Richard Bunce, Managing Director, Mec Com:

“I’d like to see another referendum. However, this time, I’d like the debate to be based on facts as opposed to fantasy or ‘Project Fear.’ If we manage to have a debate based on facts and, the British population still vote to leave, then all that remains is to cut the best possible deal. Leaving without a deal, will obviously cost UK jobs – there’s no getting away from that.”


Tony Hague, CEO, PP Control & Automation:

“The next step for me would be to negotiate a better deal than the one we currently have. I genuinely believe the EU has more to give but are in a strong enough position to avoid having to show their true hand yet.”


The Manufacturing Assembly Network is a collaboration of eight sub-contract manufacturers and an engineering design agency.


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The Manufacturing Assembly Network is a collaboration of 9 sub-contract manufacturers and an engineering design agency.

Its membership includes Alucast, Brandauer, Grove Design, James Lister & Sons, KimberMills International, Muller, Nemco, PP Control & Automation and WMG.


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